Terence H Clarke

How I Built My Coaching Business in China

Starting a business in a foreign country can be daunting, but with the right strategies, you can thrive. Here’s how I built a successful coaching business in China, working with world-class companies like Airbus, L’Oréal, LVMH, and BMW and amazing individual clients.

🌟 Tip 1: Build Trust Through Word of Mouth and learn the language

In China, trust is everything. Here’s how I did it:

  • Deliver Quality: Every session had to be top-notch.
  • Client Advocacy: Happy clients spread the word.
  • Consistency: Always meet or exceed expectations.
  • Language and culture: If you live anywhere in the world learning the language and the culture is essential for success and quality of life.

Quality Service + Happy Clients = Word of Mouth Growth

🌐 Tip 2: Leverage Local Networks

Networking is crucial. Here’s my approach:

  • Join Local Communities: Attend industry events and meetups.
  • Build Relationships: Connect with key players.
  • Gain Credibility: Be present and active in the community.

Networking + Relationships = Credibility & Opportunities

📈 Tip 3: Consistently Deliver Quality

Every session, whether in-person or online, had to be top-notch. Here’s how:

  • Tailored Coaching: Customize sessions to client needs.
  • Tangible Results: Ensure clients see real progress.
  • Reputation for Excellence: Consistency builds trust.

Tailored Coaching + Tangible Results = Reputation for Excellence

💡 Tip 4: Adapt and Innovate

The business landscape is always changing. Here’s how I stay ahead:

  • Continuous Learning: Always be learning and adapting.
  • Digital Products: Working on new offerings to expand reach.
  • Online & In-Person Workshops: Flexibility to meet client needs.

Learning + Innovation = Sustainable Growth

Here is a brief summary of what my business does:

  • Cultural Understanding for Foreign Companies: We help overseas companies entering China by offering training on communication styles, working styles, and cultural nuances. This includes workshops on non-verbal communication, role-playing scenarios, and lessons in Chinese business etiquette.
  • Support for Chinese Companies Overseas: We assist Chinese companies expanding internationally by providing insights into foreign business practices, decision-making processes, and cultural sensitivities. This ensures smoother integration and successful operations abroad.
  • Training Programs: Our programs emphasize cultural sensitivity, adaptability, and respect for hierarchical structures, helping businesses navigate the complexities of cross-cultural interactions effectively, leadership, communication, DEI, presentation skills and more.

I write about the intersection of personal development, coaching, and entrepreneurship. Follow me for more content like this. You can also sign up for my weekly newsletter here to receive weekly strategies on personal development, coaching, and entrepreneurship.

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