Terence H Clarke


How to Reflect and Plan for Success

How did your week go? As Friday rolls around, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past week and plan for the next. Reflection helps us learn from our experiences, while planning sets the stage for future success. Reflecting on Your Week Here are 5 actionable tips for effective reflection: Planning for the Upcoming Week Planning is key to success, yet many overlook it. A solid plan not only sets you up for success but also helps manage stress.Here are 5 tips to create an effective weekly plan: Combining Reflection and Planning Many people miss the connection between reflection and planning. These two processes work hand in hand to foster growth.Here are 5 ways to integrate reflection into your planning: Join my community, BABU (Build A Better You), for more resources to support your journey! https://babu.beehiiv.com/

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Challenge Yourself!

Life is not a race against others, but a journey of challenging ourselves.  It’s us against us, the never-ending battle between our fears and our dreams.  Each day, we face new obstacles, new doubts, new questions. But it’s in these moments of uncertainty that we grow, we learn, we become stronger.  Remember, the real victory is not in crossing the finish line first, but in never giving up, never stopping, and always pushing our limits. Because life is about challenging ourselves, and it’s us against us – Terence H Clarke, Shanghai 2024 Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.

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Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Positive Intelligence®

Build Powerful Habits for a Positive Mind positiveintelligence.com Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our program design empowers you to do. Welcome to the world of Positive Intelligence®, a transformative program designed to enhance your mental fitness and unlock your true potential. In this article, we will explore the remarkable benefits of the Positive Intelligence® program through the inspiring success stories of individuals from various walks of life. Discover how Positive Intelligence® has positively impacted students, surgeons, and sales directors, and learn how it can revolutionize your life too. Enhanced Mental Resilience: Stories of Overcoming Challenges Meet Sarah, a university student struggling with self-doubt and anxiety. Through the Positive Intelligence® program, Sarah learned to identify and overcome her saboteurs, those internal voices that held her back. By cultivating a positive mindset and building her mental resilience, Sarah gained the confidence to tackle her studies more effectively, leading to improved grades and a renewed sense of self-belief. Heightened Self-Awareness: Stories of Personal Growth Dr. Michael, a skilled surgeon, recognized that his perfectionist tendencies were hindering his professional and personal life. With the guidance of Positive Intelligence®, he developed a deeper self-awareness and gained insight into his saboteurs. By embracing self-compassion and letting go of unrealistic expectations, Dr. Michael experienced greater ease in his work, improved relationships with colleagues, and a healthier work-life balance. Amplified Productivity and Performance: Stories of Achievement Anna, a sales director, was constantly overwhelmed by competing demands and high-pressure targets. Through Positive Intelligence®, she learned to manage his stress and focus on what truly mattered. By developing a positive mindset and employing effective strategies, Anna became more productive, closing deals more efficiently while maintaining her well-being. Her increased performance not only brought professional success but also improved her overall quality of life. Enhanced Relationships: Stories of Connection Emily, a marketing executive, struggled with building strong relationships with her team. The Positive Intelligence® program helped her recognize her judgmental tendencies and develop empathy and effective communication skills. By fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, Emily witnessed a significant improvement in team collaboration, trust, and overall morale. Her enhanced relationships not only boosted team performance but also contributed to her personal growth and happiness. Cultivated Positive Mindset: Stories of Transformation Mark, a small business owner, faced numerous setbacks that left him feeling discouraged and stuck. Through Positive Intelligence®, he learned to reframe challenges as opportunities for growth. By adopting a solution-oriented mindset and leveraging his mental resilience, Mark turned obstacles into stepping stones, leading to innovative solutions and business expansion. The program empowered him to embrace change, leading to renewed passion and a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey. Improved Well-being and Happiness: Stories of Fulfillment Finally, meet Lisa, a busy working professional juggling multiple responsibilities. Through Positive Intelligence®, she discovered the importance of self-care and prioritizing her well-being. By managing her energy and reducing stress, Lisa experienced increased happiness, improved work-life balance, and enhanced overall well-being. The program helped her shift from surviving to thriving, leading to greater fulfillment in both her personal and professional life. The power of Positive Intelligence® is evident in the inspiring success stories of individuals from various backgrounds. Whether you are a student, a surgeon, or a sales director, Positive Intelligence® has the potential to transform your life. By enhancing mental resilience, fostering self-awareness, amplifying productivity and performance, improving relationships, cultivating a positive mindset, and increasing well-being, this program empowers individuals to unlock their true potential and live a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Are you ready to embark on your own journey of personal growth and success? Explore the possibilities that Positive Intelligence® offers, and witness the remarkable transformation that awaits you. Note: Positive Intelligence® is a registered trademark of Shirzad Chamine. Get In Touch For More Information Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.

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The Science of Goals and Attraction: Unlocking Your Reticular Activating System

Hey everyone, I wanted to share this quote from Tony Robbins about goals being like magnets and share some fascinating insights about goals and attraction, backed by science, particularly the reticular activating system (RAS). Firstly, let’s explore what the reticular activating system is. The RAS is a network of neurons located in the brainstem that acts as a filter, sorting through the vast amount of information we encounter daily. It determines what information is important and deserves our attention. Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Have you ever noticed that when you set a specific goal or focus on something, it seems like the universe starts sending you opportunities related to that goal? The RAS plays a crucial role in this phenomenon. When you set a goal or have a strong desire for something, the RAS starts filtering out irrelevant information and amplifies the signals related to your goal. In other words, it helps you notice and attract opportunities aligned with your desires. Think of the RAS as a search engine programmed by your mind. When you set a goal, you enter a search query, and the RAS scours the world around you, seeking out relevant results. It heightens your awareness and perception, allowing you to spot opportunities, resources, and connections that were previously overlooked. Let’s take an example. Imagine you set a goal to start a business in the tech industry. Suddenly, you find yourself noticing tech-related articles, networking events, and potential mentors popping up everywhere. It’s not that these things didn’t exist before; it’s just that your RAS is now prioritizing them, making them more visible to you. Harnessing the power of the RAS involves a few key steps: Remember, the RAS is not a magic wand that will instantly grant your desires. It’s a tool that helps you navigate the world effectively by focusing your attention on what matters to you. So, the next time you set a goal or desire something, be aware of the incredible power of your RAS. Use it as a compass to guide your actions and attract the opportunities and resources you need to succeed. Let’s discuss! Have you experienced the workings of the RAS in your own life? How has it helped you achieve your goals or attract what you desire? Share your thoughts and stories below.

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Mastering the Art of Effective Goal Setting

Setting goals is easy, but setting goals that actually motivate you to achieve them is an art that requires effort to perfect. The key is learning to strategically plan your goals so they align with your overall vision, can be clearly measured, inspire focused action, and include deadlines to keep you accountable. While the SMART framework provides a useful starting point, true mastery comes from understanding the nuances behind each concept. With regular practice, honing your planning process will lead to increased success in reaching goals that fuel your growth. Strategic Goals Fit Your Overall Vision Goals need to serve a purpose greater than themselves by supporting your core values and life priorities. Take time to clearly define your long term vision before brainstorming goals. For example, if growing your career is a focus, goals around advancing your skills or expanding your network directly contribute. Or if wanting a more fulfilling social life, plan goals centering around community involvement. Being strategic requires digging deeper to connect the how and why of each goal. Jane wants to launch a home organization business – her strategic goal is “develop a 12-month business plan by August to outline services, target clients, and projected costs.” This provides strategic direction versus a vague wish. Measurable Goals Use Clear Metrics Ambiguous concepts like “save money” or “lose weight” lack criteria for tracking progress. Make goals measurable by quantifying them with numbers, frequencies, dollar amounts or other tangible metrics. Maria aims to start a family. Instead of “get healthy,” her goal is “exercise 30 minutes at least 5 times a week and eat at least two servings of vegetables with both lunch and dinner daily.” Now she can self-monitor adherence objectively. For Jacob, “read more” becomes “allot 30 minutes before bed to read 4 nights each week, with a goal of finishing 12 books this year.” The specific metrics maintain his commitment through accountability. Action-Oriented Goals Spark Momentum Broad goals don’t inspire consistent action. Deconstruct high-level aims into smaller interim steps you can start right away by focusing on particular actions under your control. Stacey wants to declutter. Her action-oriented goal is “spend one hour each Sunday purging unnecessary items from a different room, donating items weekly.” Breaking the work into immediate micro-tasks energizes progress. For Brad, an general goal of improving relationships becomes “call one friend each Tuesday to catch up and schedule a lunch with two networking contacts each month.” The specificity keeps momentum going. Timebound Goals Use Firm Deadlines Open-ended goals risk dragging on indefinitely without incentives to keep the sense of urgency. Provide timeframes for completion to craft effective project plans backward from a visible finish line. Sarah’s goal is “study for certification exam” which lacks time constraint. Reframed as “dedicate two hours weekly to review course material and schedule exam date for June 15th,” deadlines are set to pace her preparation. Deadlines range from short term sprint goals to longer term milestones. The consistency imparted maintains commitment, whether goals are accomplished ahead of schedule or require adjustments to hit targets on time. Mastery Evolves through Refinement While the SMART method establishes a framework, goal planning remains an evolving craft. Expect to refine ideas over time as situations change. Periodically review progress to catch adjustments early or celebrate wins – both build perseverance. With experience practicing strategic goal formulation and follow-through, you’ll gain invaluable life skills to enhance motivation and achievement. Commit to continuous learning as true mastery has no finish line. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.

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24 Things You Can Do to Start 2024 Focused on Growth

As 2023 draws to a close, now is the ideal time to reflect on the year that was and focus our energy on personal growth heading into the new year. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season presents an opportunity to pause, look inward, and evaluate where we have been while also planning where we want to go. Taking even just a few hours this month to refine our goals and commitments can help ensure 2024 is our best year yet.

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Achieve Your Best Year Yet: Personal Annual Report for 2023

Welcome to a new year full of endless possibilities! As we bid farewell to 2023 and embrace the exciting journey that lies ahead in 2024, now is the perfect time to reflect on our personal growth and set ambitious goals for the future. Whether you’re seeking career advancement, improved relationships, or simply a deeper sense of fulfilment, this blog post will guide you through the process of goal setting and provide valuable strategies for achieving success in the coming year. Coaching has become an invaluable resource for individuals looking to unlock their full potential and navigate life’s challenges with confidence. By investing in your personal development and adopting a growth mindset, you can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth. So let’s dive into your very own annual report – highlighting accomplishments from 2023 while paving the way for an extraordinary 2024! Reflecting on 2023 As we step into the new year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the past and glean insights from our experiences. 2023 was undoubtedly a year of growth and personal development for many of us. It presented its fair share of challenges but also offered numerous opportunities for learning and self-improvement. One aspect that stood out in 2023 was the importance of coaching and mentorship. Many individuals realized the value of seeking guidance from experts in their respective fields to enhance their skills and mindset. Whether it was enrolling in coaching programs or attending workshops, people actively pursued avenues for personal growth. Another theme that emerged throughout the year was cultivating a growth mindset. People recognized that embracing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for learning could propel them forward on their journey towards success. This shift in perspective allowed individuals to overcome obstacles with resilience while fostering continuous improvement. The significance of setting clear goals became increasingly apparent in 2023, as people experienced firsthand how goal-setting can provide direction and focus. Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals helped individuals stay motivated and driven towards their desired outcomes. Moreover, mindfulness practices gained popularity as more individuals discovered the benefits of incorporating meditation or journaling into their daily routines. These practices facilitated self-reflection, enabling individuals to gain clarity about their values, priorities, strengths, and areas for improvement. Overall, the year unveiled opportunities for growth and transformation. By reflecting on our experiences, we can identify patterns, learn from our mistakes, and celebrate our achievements. This introspection equips us with valuable insights as we embark upon setting goals for 2024. Get your free 2023 personal annual report here Setting Goals for 2024 As we embark on a new year, it’s the perfect time to set our sights on what we want to achieve in the coming months. Goal setting is a powerful tool that can help us navigate personal development and growth. By establishing clear objectives, we give ourselves direction and purpose, fueling our motivation along the way. When it comes to setting goals for 2024 (Get your free 2023 personal annual report here), it’s important to approach this task with intentionality and mindfulness. Start by reflecting on your past achievements and areas where you feel there is room for improvement. This reflection will provide valuable insights into what you want to prioritize moving forward. Next, consider both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals allow us to make progress incrementally while staying focused on the bigger picture. Long-term goals offer a sense of vision and aspiration that can ignite our passion even during challenging times. Remember that goal setting is not just about tangible outcomes; it’s also about personal growth and mindset shifts. Consider setting goals related to developing new skills or adopting healthier habits that align with your values. To ensure success in achieving your goals, develop strategies that will support your journey. Break down each goal into actionable steps with specific deadlines or milestones along the way. Additionally, consider seeking out coaching or mentorship opportunities as they can provide guidance and accountability. Tracking progress is crucial for staying motivated throughout the year. Regularly review your goals and assess how far you’ve come since initially establishing them. Celebrate small victories along the way as these milestones serve as reminders of your dedication and determination. While striving towards our aspirations, challenges are bound to arise. It’s essential not to be discouraged by setbacks but instead, view them as learning opportunities. Embrace resilience when facing obstacles, allowing yourself space for growth even in moments of difficulty. As 2024 unfolds before us, embrace goal-setting as a tool for personal transformation and empowerment. Get your free 2023 personal annual report here Strategies for Achieving Goals Setting goals is the first step towards personal development and growth. But it’s important to have a plan in place to actually achieve those goals. Here are some strategies that can help you make progress towards your 2024 goals. 1. Break it down: Sometimes, big goals can feel overwhelming. To make them more manageable, break them down into smaller, actionable steps. This will not only give you a clear roadmap but also provide a sense of accomplishment as you complete each milestone. 2. Prioritize: Not all goals are created equal, and it’s essential to prioritize what matters most to you. Identify the key areas of focus and allocate your time and energy accordingly. By doing so, you’ll be able to direct your efforts towards what truly matters and avoid feeling overwhelmed by trying to tackle everything at once. 3. Stay accountable: Find ways to hold yourself accountable for taking action towards your goals. This could involve enlisting the support of a friend or family member who can check in on your progress regularly or joining a coaching program where you receive guidance and support from an expert. 4. Develop positive habits: Success is often built on consistent daily actions rather than sporadic bursts of effort. This means cultivating positive habits that align with your desired outcomes. Consistency is key when it comes to achieving long-term results. So identify specific habits that will propel you

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Navigating Growth and Empowerment: A 15-Day Journey Across China

Greetings from the road, where excitement mingles with the hustle of a traffic jam as I make my way to the airport! The next 15 days promise a whirlwind adventure, taking me from the vibrant streets of Shanghai to the historical splendour of Beijing and beyond. Join me as I embark on a journey of facilitation, empowerment, and personal growth, all while sharing valuable insights and experiences with incredible teams across China. Setting the Stage: Facilitation Magic Unveiled As the week kicks off, my path leads to Beijing where I’m about to engage in three days of facilitation magic with Airbus. The “Train The Facilitator” workshop awaits, promising an immersive experience of sharing insights, knowledge, and learning with a remarkable team. Collaborating with Airbus is not only an opportunity to facilitate growth but also a chance to explore new dimensions of facilitation and engagement. Empowering Leaders Amidst Nature’s Beauty Following the enriching experience with Airbus, my journey takes me to the serene Monganshan, where I’ll be partnering with RHI Magnesita. Our goal? To empower senior leaders through a dynamic leadership workshop. Against the backdrop of Monganshan’s picturesque landscape, we delve into leadership strategies that inspire, transform, and foster unity within organizations. This venture promises to be a remarkable intersection of growth and natural beauty. Accelerating Executive Excellence in Shenyang As I traverse the varied landscapes of China, my next stop lands me in Shenyang. Here, I am set to collaborate with the incredible team at BMW, aiming to sharpen their executive presence and advance their influencing skills. Amidst the speed and excitement that BMW cars represent, we are diving deep into enhancing professional impact and fostering leadership prowess. Journey Full Circle: Reflecting in Shanghai Upon concluding the transformative sessions in Shenyang, I head back to Shanghai, a city that has seen the beginning of this journey. The bustling streets hold the promise of reflection and a brief respite before the adventure continues. For two days, I’ll immerse myself in the dynamic energy of Shanghai, gathering my thoughts and insights for the next leg of the journey. Inspiring Facilitation in Tianjin’s Airbus Workshop From Shanghai, I’ll be taking to the skies once again, this time bound for Tianjin. The destination? Another “Train The Facilitator” workshop, tailored for the Airbus team in this vibrant city. The opportunity to run this workshop in Tianjin not only underscores the reach of facilitation but also highlights the commitment of teams to growth and development. Balancing Act: Prioritizing Well-being on the Go In the midst of a schedule as intense as the traffic jam I encountered earlier, finding a balance between work and well-being is paramount. Committing to healthy choices, I’m focusing on nourishing my body with nutrient-rich meals. After all, a well-fueled body ensures sustained energy and mental clarity, empowering me to give my best to each endeavour. Energizing the Body and Mind Despite a packed agenda, I’m carving out time for physical activity. Whether it’s a brisk walk or a quick workout session, the endorphins released invigorate both my body and mind, keeping me refreshed and focused. The importance of maintaining an active routine, even while traveling, cannot be understated. Mindset as the Cornerstone of Success Amidst the whirlwind of activity, maintaining a positive mindset emerges as my secret weapon. Challenges are embraced as opportunities for growth, and a solution-oriented perspective is my compass. Our mindset shapes the reality we experience; therefore, cultivating a resilient and optimistic mindset is a non-negotiable. Time Management Mastery Staying organized amid the organized chaos is my lifeline. With a well-structured approach to time management, I’m able to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and employ techniques like time blocking. The result? Chaos gracefully transforms into a tapestry of accomplishments and progress. A Heartfelt Appreciation A heartfelt shoutout to my clients who have entrusted me with their teams’ growth. Your unwavering trust fuels my passion and determination to facilitate and coach with excellence, fostering a cycle of growth and development. Embracing the Journey Amidst the bustling cities, dynamic workshops, and transformative experiences, remember that the essence lies in the journey itself. These 15 days stand as a testament to determination, growth, and the power of connection. Stay tuned for updates, insights, and perhaps a glimpse or two into the vibrant cities I’m traversing. From the bustling streets of Beijing to the picturesque landscapes of Monganshan, and the high-speed world of Shenyang’s BMW team, this 15-day journey encapsulates the essence of growth, empowerment, and mindfulness. By striking a balance between work and well-being, fostering a positive mindset, and mastering time management, this expedition becomes a celebration of resilience, progress, and the beauty of human connection. Join the Conversation As I navigate this jam-packed adventure, I invite you to share your own insights and strategies for managing time and maintaining well-being during business travels. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below; your perspective might just inspire others!

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Hey everyone! I’m super excited to share a major milestone in my coaching journey with all of you today. I’ve got some fantastic news—I’ve successfully completed the International Coach Federation (ICF) Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential assessment! It’s been an incredible journey, filled with hard work, dedication, and lots of coaching experience. During this transformative process, I’ve focused on sharpening my coaching skills, expanding my knowledge, and really diving deep into the world of coaching. I’ve spent a whopping 150 hours in training and countless hours coaching clients, all of which have shaped me into the coach I am today. Not only have I gained the tools and techniques to empower individuals, but I’ve also found a true sense of purpose and fulfilment. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s crucial for professionals to keep upskilling themselves. The coaching industry, in particular, thrives on continuous professional development. As a coach, I strongly believe that investing in personal and professional growth is not just beneficial for ourselves, but also for the clients we serve. By expanding our knowledge, refining our skills, and staying up to date with the latest industry trends, we can offer our clients the best support and guidance possible. I encourage each and every one of you to embark on your own journey of upskilling and professional development. It’s a surefire way to enhance your capabilities and contribute to the advancement of your respective fields. To learn more about the importance of upskilling and professional development, head over to my website. You’ll find a ton of valuable resources and information there. As I look back on my journey, I’m incredibly grateful for the unwavering support of my mentors, colleagues, and clients. They’ve played a huge role in my growth and development, and their trust and belief in me have been a constant source of inspiration, even during the toughest times. I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for being a part of this incredible moment. Your presence here today highlights the importance of continuous learning and professional growth. Together, let’s embrace the power of upskilling and strive for excellence in our fields. Thank you so much, and don’t forget to get in touch with me to explore the exciting world of coaching upskilling and professional development further

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